(859) 363-5394

8275 Ewing Blvd, Florence, KY 41042

Derm Aesthetics of Norther Kentucky

ClearV® Laser Vein Treatment

Benefits of Vein Removal:

Before & After Gallery

What can ClearV treat?

ClearV can tackle a number of skin concerns, including:


ClearV® can provide a solution for unsightly veins on the face and body

If you’re struggling with unsightly spider veins on your face, you may be concealing them with layers of makeup. Or perhaps you’re limiting yourself to outfits that hide the veins on your legs. Well, you don’t have to hide anymore. ClearV® laser treatments can offer an effective, noninvasive solution to eliminate spider veins and other skin concerns so you can love your skin and live more freely

How do I prepare for a ClearV laser treatment?

The day of your treatment, we recommend you don’t apply any make-up or moisturizer. Depending on the treatment area, you may be asked to shave as well. Treatment does not require local anesthetic. We’ll be sure to go over any additional pre- or post-treatment guidelines at your consultation

Who is a candidate for ClearV laser treatments?

ClearV was designed to be appropriate for all skin types and tones. Plus, unlike other laser treatments, ClearV can be performed in the summer months.


How does ClearV work?

ClearV delivers precise laser energy to a targeted area to gently eliminate vascular structures, which eventually causes them to become less noticeable over time. The ClearV handpiece is uniquely designed to highlight sub-surface veins with yellow or orange light, which enhances visibility for the laser technician. That equates to more thorough and effective treatment of veins.

What can I expect during treatment with ClearV?

During your treatment, you’ll wear safety shields or glasses to protect your eyes. A trained technician will then use the ClearV handpiece to deliver precise laser energy to the treatment area. You may feel a brief warm sensation as the laser pulses are absorbed by the treated vessels, but this sensation is generally tolerated well and doesn’t require anesthetic. A ClearV treatment can take anywhere from 10-30 minutes, depending on the size of the area. Many people even choose to get their treatment done on their lunch break.

Vein Removal in Florence, KY

Are there any side effects with ClearV?

While patient responses may vary, mild redness and swelling around the treated vessels is common. Also, a sunburn sensation and a slight feeling of soreness are normal and expected, but these reactions usually subside within 24-48 hours following treatment. After about 48 hours, the skin in the treatment area will likely appear slightly red or bruised. In some case, the veins will temporarily become more visible than before treatment. This is normal. A support hose or ace bandage may be used to diminish any discomfort after treatment and help reduce bruising.

When can I expect results from ClearV treatment?

Any redness or bruising will begin to fade within the first two to three weeks following treatment. Each week after, the color will gradually become lighter and the veins will become less noticeable. Patients receiving a ClearV treatment can expect a noticeable reduction in unwanted veins after just one treatment, with results improving over time. The number of treatments will depend upon the number of vessels present, the size of the vessels, and your body’s own healing capabilities. Depending on these factors, some patients might need one to three treatments to fully reach their goals. Most patients experience noticeable results in about four to six weeks.

What’s my next step to getting rid of unwanted veins in Northern Kentucky with ClearV?

Don’t let unsightly veins rob you of the confidence you deserve. Call at (859) 363-5394 or click here to schedule a private consultation. We’ll go over all details of this revolutionary laser treatment option and help you determine if it’s right for you.